“Sink Hole” is a 2021 South Korean disaster comedy film, directed by Ji-hun Kim and starring Seung-won Cha, Lee Kwang Soo, Sung-Kyun Kim, and Kim Hye Jun. The story tells that Dong-Won, who bought a new house, finally realizes his dream of bringing his wife and children to Seoul to live, but just as he invites his colleagues to celebrate in his new home, the whole building suddenly falls into a super-large sinkhole. In this way, the jin agent of Dong Won’s company, the intern Eun Ju and the resident Wanshou were trapped in the crypt 500 meters underground, and could only try to save their precious lives while waiting for rescue.
“Mary" is an American horror-thriller film released in 2019, directed by Michael Goi and starring Gary Oldman, Emily Mortimer, and Stefanie Scott, the plot tells the story of a father who struggles to make ends meet and buys an old ship called the "Mary" at an auction, hoping to relaunch his charter business. He hopes to relaunch his charter business and is excited to take his wife and two daughters on a cruise, but at first glance the joy of family travel, but because of the hidden evil forces on board, it becomes a terrible nightmare that they can not linger.
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